PSG Daily


It is interesting several different parts of a larger universe at the same time, because you drop a pebble in one pool and echoes in the magic mirror of another. You reach a point where stories start to suggest themselves, and ideas which have fallen through the cracks before bubble to the surface. I think… Read More Saturday

PSG Daily


I probably have to make my piece with the fact that although regularity is the aim, there are some difficulties in achieving the goal when I have competing goals that demand more attention. They are all pulling in the same direction, so it’s not all bad. I was reading that journaling is a pretty useful… Read More Wednesday

PSG Daily


It is interesting to me how much damned time with my writing and creative works is dedicated to administration. Some of this has been created by the fact that I write so damned much, have so many projects in a state of non-completion, and am intent to actually bring them home. Ambition is also codified… Read More Friday

PSG Daily


The weekend was defined by welcoming a new cat to the house. A tiny little bundle of fur and temporary fury called Miracle, who is a beautiful tortoise-shell. Scared cats are an interesting thing to deal with, and they do pretty much always follow this pattern of establishing and defending their territory. Slowly scenting the… Read More Monday

PSG Daily


It’s the morning – and I am awake a hell of a lot earlier than I intended to be. Well, partly true. I knew I had to be awake, but my Saturday morning sleep is kind of the necessary energy recoup point of my week. I tend to be low energy most of the week… Read More Saturday


a national sport

a pain no gain stood in a queue in the rain waiting to complain seems insane but a common refrain again and again no truth at the voting booth disillusioned age and angry youth two sides of a page stuck in a kind of truce we do things a little different not so much bluster… Read More a national sport

PSG Daily


Some weeks you burn through. And you feel in some ways you get little done you were aiming for. I am not sure about this week, because there were some targets met, but there were a few missed. It seems to split evenly between admin and site creation and actual writing at the moment. What… Read More Friday

PSG Daily


Sunday is a good day for television. American Gods hits with a new episode, and then later on it’s Twin Peaks. It’s going to be interesting to see how the whole thing with Agent Cooper’s distributed consciousness body situation resolves itself … it’s one aspect I’d like to see resolved fairly soon. I’m sure the pay… Read More Sunday

PSG Daily


I talk about it a lot, and for those few who follow me around, wherever that may lead them … and I know there are a few – the notion that I have a lot of irons in the fie is not something new. Sometimes I will name a project and let it slip into… Read More Thursday

PSG Daily

Monday / Tuesday

It can give you pause for thought – the way in which your argument is shut down. There is an assumption, or rather an accusation levelled at you about your emotional state, your rationality, your intellect, and at base your entire education. The thing is, no questions have been asked, and no effort has been… Read More Monday / Tuesday