PSG Daily


Sure, this will come out Thursday, but then you get something Thursday too. Maybe. Regularity is a thing that I strive for and rarely achieve on a particular platform, though when I finally find a way to collate all my work by date, I am convinced there will not be many days that I haven’t written something.

I am feeling the itch to do something that would be a deep dive into literature or maybe philosophy at some point, and I have a lot of half finished biographical things that need to get written. I have some essays that want to find their way into print, and some more longform pieces. I have to edit together all the shit that has been sat around unpublished for an age – and there is a lot of that.

I am starting to spin up again though, and go into action. Organisation sits right under it all, and in many ways, for the longest time, my organisation has sucked. It is still not perfect, but man,it is edging into a better place. Watch this space.

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