Today bit the dust thanks to a stomach bug. I got to work and started trying to plough through what I needed to plough through, but it was becoming pretty obvious that the initial pale sickly feeling that slipped over me in the car was not going to lift to a point where I wasn’t phoning in my work. I don’t like to phone it in when I am being paid to be in a place. It sucks to have to check out early, but if you are sick you can’t run the risk of getting someone else sick too.
I launched my 365 project on the first, and have been doing a good job of making the posts, and I want to push a whole bunch of other projects towards completion as well. Regulalrly showing up and doing what needs to be done is vital. The discipline starts to force out ideas and different ways of telling a story that might not come on a slacker schedule. I have been playing this game for a while now.
I watched The Last Unicorn again and it is a great bit of character driven storytelling. It is in an interesting juxtaposition to the other things I have been watching — Mike Leigh films on the Criterion Channel. Fantasy and working class / middle class British stories. I suppose that is the territory I come out of. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the writing. Watch this space, I suppose is what I am saying.